About Our Advanced Readers Copies…

If we may be so bold as to paraphrase The Bard, “To sell, or not to sell, that is the question”…

Notwithstanding the legal question of selling advanced readers copies, we are faced with the ethical question of whether or not these copies should be sold. We are of the opinion that these books should not be sold, as the authors receive no payment for their labors. That does not mean that we wish to see these books destined for the trash heap, for there is life in them still. We see these copies as a way to introduce readers to a new author. For the collectors of ARCs, obtaining these copies can be a boon indeed. All we ask is that the customer pays the cost of shipping.

“Books should go where they will be most appreciated, and not sit unread, gathering dust on a forgotten shelf, don’t you agree?” …Christopher Paolini